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Dental Bridges in Campbell, CA

A lost tooth can make it difficult to speak clearly or eat your favorite foods, while the gap left behind may affect your self-confidence. Dental bridges are custom-designed fixed oral appliances created by your Campbell dentist to “bridge the gap” left behind by a missing tooth. This simple, cost-effective, and long-lasting solution can instantly restore your full, healthy, and beautiful smile. At Moradi Signature Smiles, Dr. Moradi will work with you to find the best solution for missing teeth, including dental bridges.

dental bridges

The Basics of Bridges

Bridges replace the visible portion of the tooth and extend down to, but not below, the gums. The bridge itself is attached to the adjacent teeth using dental crowns or small metal or porcelain wings. Your dentist will evaluate your specific needs and cosmetic preferences to determine the best type of bridge to restore your smile.

  • A traditional bridge anchors one to two replacement teeth, called pontics, using dental crowns fitted on the adjacent healthy teeth. These bridges are typically made from porcelain fused to metal or ceramic materials for a realistic look. While dental crowns are typically used when one to two missing teeth require replacement, dental implants may be used to replace up to four adjacent missing teeth.
  • Maryland bonded bridges hold one to two replacement teeth in place by cementing metal or porcelain tabs, sometimes called wings, to the back of adjacent natural teeth. This option does not require dental crowns to hold the bridge in place but can be limited in its placement options.
  • A cantilever bridge is used in cases where the missing tooth only has one adjacent natural tooth to serve as an anchor. These bridges have certain limitations, such as the amount of force that can be placed on them, and are not as common as other types of bridges.

Receiving Your Bridge

Receiving a dental bridge typically requires two dental visits. During your first visit, your dentist will prepare the adjacent teeth for crowns. Next, he will take images or impressions of your teeth to ensure the bridge fits in place and looks completely natural. You will receive a temporary bridge to protect the area while your permanent bridge is prepared; once your final bridge is ready, you’ll return and your dentist will cement it into place to complete the procedure. In some cases, your dentist may be able to fabricate a permanent bridge right in the office using CEREC technology, eliminating the need for a temporary bridge.

Would you like to learn more about dental bridges and other restorative dentistry solutions in Campbell? Please contact Moradi Signature Smiles today at (408) 539-3003 to schedule a free dental consultation.

receiving your bridge
receiving your bridge

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